1130508 吳宜芬
113年5月8日 澳洲雪梨大學畢業的Shauna 因緣際會來到我家,我想機不可失,就請Shauna :
Close your eyes and empty your mind.
Now imagine your boyfriend 子靖, or this could be an object, a person you care the most, or a god, Tell me when 子靖 shows up......and then ask 子靖 shaped out from empty: Are we the one? Are you inside of me, and am I inside of you?
Awaken to faith, apprehend to righteousness, perceive and become aware like 子靖 and I, for we are the one.
Ask 子靖, are you from emptiness (空性)?
If 子靖 says He is from the essence of the blank, ask Him to disappear to prove.
As we said, 子靖 and I are the one,both come from the empty.
Ask 子靖 to shape out you and Shauna together.
See 子靖 and I coming out from emptiness again.
Shauna please look at the photo of 子靖 from your mobile phone, ask:
[Are you inside of me, & am I inside of you?]
須臾..photo of 子靖 turned out to a couple dances.
Shauna :please ask 子靖 :
(Is Holy spirit Holy father Holy son to be the one?)
YES! Trinity
恭喜Shauna 證悟了三佛身ㄧ體得永生 Eternal ,
發現了宇宙的奧秘,妳請空給妳ㄧ字或ㄧ句開示,證明空能生萬法 ;真空妙有。
Shauna heard: [ HAPPY ](修聞慧)
很棒,但 我修思慧得字母
〔H〕means [ Hope ];[ App ] means method [行門 ;方程式 ];but [ Y ] means what ?
Shauna heard :[ Yellow ]
Wow! the answer means what ? I can't explain,
SOS ! call out...求救王老師...
(yellow 是法王;黃色的龍袍如龍脈;指正法的法脈)
Yes! you got it !感恩王老師