第二部 自覺
1. 神變。
So this is heaven…As he came from Earth now, above the clouds and in close formation with the two brilliant gulls, he saw that his own body was growing as bright as theirs. True, the same young Jonathan Seagull was there that had always lived behind his golden eyes, but the outer form had changed.(「這就是『天堂』了吧?」……當他緊隨著那兩隻卓越的海鷗,自地球頂上的雲端翱翔之際,發現自己的身體,也逐漸變得跟他們一樣晶瑩了!真的!內心雖然還是那個年輕的岳納珊,但外表著實「神變」了!)
It felt like a seagull body, but already it flew far better than his old one had ever flown. Why, with half the effort, he thought, I’ll get twice the speed, twice the performance of my best days on earth!...(感覺上,仍是海鷗之軀,但飛得比以前更快了。「為什麼,現在只要花一半的力氣,」他想,「就可以比在地球上快還一倍呢?」……)
2. 不斷「悟後起修」,方得「自覺圓滿」。
At two hundred seventy-three he thought that he was flying as fast as he could fly, and he was ever so faintly disappointed. There was a limit to how much the new body could do, and though it was much faster than his old level-flight record, it was still a limit that would take great effort to crack. In heaven, he thought, there should be no limits.(兩百七十三英哩,這個時速,已打破了所有的記錄。但他還是有些失望,因為「新身體」,還有「速限」,而他必須十分努力,才能再次突破。「在天堂,應該是沒有『速限』的才對!」他認為。)
3. 眾聖來迎,有志一同,精勤修行。
The clouds broke apart, his escorts called, “Happy landing, Jonathan,” and vanished into thin air…(雲層分開來了,兩名引導者高喊了一聲:「岳納珊,祝你飛行愉快!」隨即消失在空中……)
The dozen gulls by the shoreline came to meet him, none saying a word. He felt only that he was welcome and that this was home. It had been a big day for him, a day whose sunrise he no longer remembered…(十來隻海鷗,從海岸線那頭默默地飛了過來,他覺得自己是受歡迎的;此處,就是「家」了!多值得慶賀呀!他歡喜得連這天的日出,都幾乎無法想起了……)
In the days that followed, Jonathan saw that there was as much to learn about flight in this place as there had been in the life behind him. But with a difference. Here were gulls who thought as he thought. For each of them, the most important thing in living was to reach out and touch perfection in that which they most loved to do, and that was to fly. They were magnificent birds, all of them, and they spent hour after hour everyday practicing flight, testing advanced aeronautics…(接下來的幾天裡,岳納珊發現,就像在地球一樣,他要學的新東西太多了!但跟過去不同的是,這兒的海鷗,個個傑出,都跟他一樣志同道合。他們酷愛「飛行」,認為生活中最要緊的事,就是「學習如何達到完速」,每天都花好幾小時練習「飛行」,嚐試更高深的「技術」……)
4. 心心相印,不歷僧劫証法身。
He rememered it one morning when he was out with his instructor, while they rested on the beach after a session of folded-wing snap rolls.(一天早晨,他跟教練外出飛行,一連串的摺翅疾翻後,停留在沙灘上休息,他忽然想起了一件事。)
“Where is everybody, Sullivan?” he asked silently, guite at home now with the easy telepathy that these gulls used instead of screes and gracks. “Why aren’t there more of us here?Why, where I came from there were…”(「蘇利文,其他的人呢?」在此,他已嫻熟用「心電感應」來和人交談了,這比「嘰嘰嘎嘎」地說話方便太多了!「為什麼只有我們兩個?我來自的地球,有……」)
“…thousands and thousands of gulls. I know.” Sullivan skook his head. “ The only answer I can see, Jonathan, is that you are pretty well a one-in-a-million bird. Most of us came along ever so slowly. We went from one world into another that was almost exactly like it, forgetting right away where we had come from, not caring where we were headed, living for the moment. Do you have any idea how many lives we must have gone through before we even got the first idea that there is more to life than eating, or fighting, or power in the Flock? A thousand lives, Jon, ten thousand! And then another hundred lives until we began to learn that there is such a thing as perfection, and another hundred again to get the idea that our purpose for living is to find that perfection and show it forth. The same rule holds for us now, of course: we choose our next world through what we learn in this one, all the same limitations and lead weights to overcome.”(「成千上萬的海鷗,我知道。」蘇利文接口後搖著頭說,「唯一的原因是,岳納珊,我想你是那百萬中之一的佼佼者!知道嗎?我們須歷經多少次的『生』與『死』,才會『首次』知道,生命不只是吃飯、爭權和奪勢而已?一千世!小岳,一萬世!然後,再經過一百世,才會覺悟:生活的目的在『臻至完速』,並將『解脫的自在』展示出來,與人共享?我們不斷地輪迴,從一個世界,到另一個幾乎一樣的世界,立刻忘了從前。生生死死,死死生生,從不在乎『生從何來,死往何去』,過一天算一天,還振振有詞地以為,這就是『活在當下』了!可悲呀!同樣的法則,現在仍然束縛著我們。我們將以這世所學的,選擇來生。如果這一世沒有進步,同樣的『限制』和如鉛重的『負擔』,來生依然等著我們去克服!」)
He streched his wings and turned to face the wind. “But you, Jon,” he said, “learned so much at one time that you didn’t have to go through a thousand lives to reach this one.”…(他張開雙翅,迎風而立,讚嘆道:「但小岳,你一世就學了這麼多,不需再經千生萬死了!」……)
5. 即將入滅。
One evening the gulls that were not night-flying stood together on the sand, thinking. Jonathan took all his courage in hand and walked to the Elder Gull, who, it was said, was soon to be moving beyond this world.(一晚,不做夜間飛行的鷗群們站在沙灘上沉思,岳納珊鼓足了勇氣,走向一位即將「入滅」的長者。)
6. 三身一體,超越時空,無邊無際,天堂即心。
“Chiang…” he said, a little nervously.(「姜老……」他有點兒緊張地啟齒。)
The old seagull looked at him kindly. “Yes, my son?” Instead of being enfeebled by age, the Elder had been empowered by it; he could outfly any gull in the Flock, and he had learned skills that the others were only gradually coming to know.(「什麼事,孩子?」長者慈愛地看著他。歲月未使長者變得衰老;相反地,還添增了力量。他可以飛得超越任何海鷗,也學得了其他海鷗只能按部就班才獲得的技巧。)
“Chiang, this world isn’t heaven at all, is it?”(「姜老,這裡根本不是『天堂』,對嗎?」)
The Elder smiled in the moonlight. “You are learning again, Jonathan Seagull,” he said.(長老映著皎潔的月光,微笑地回答:「你『又學到』新東西了,岳納珊。」)
“Well, what happens from here? Where are we going? Is there no such place as heaven?”(「那麼,離開這裡後會怎麼樣?我們將來會到哪裡去?究竟有沒有『天堂』呢?」)
“No, Jonathan, there is no such place. Heaven is not a place, and it is not a time. Heaven is being prfect.” …(「沒有,岳納珊,根本沒有『天堂』!如果你只認為,『天堂』是『一個地方』或『一段時間』的話。其實,覺悟『圓滿、自在』,才是『天堂』」……)
“You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the monent that you touch perfect speed. And that isn’t flying at a speed of a thousand miles per hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there.”(「當你進步到『完速』時,岳納珊,就觸及到『天堂』了。而那並不是指你能飛多快,甚至超過『光速』。因為任何『數字』都是『有限』的,『心』才是『無限』的。『完速』就是『發現無限的自心』,是『無限的時間,也是無限空間』,無時不在,無所不包!」)
7. 心至身到,如意穿梭。
Without warning, Chiang vanished and appeared at the water’s edge fifty feet away, all in the flicker of an instant. Then he vanished again and stood, in the same millisecond, at Jonathan’s shoulder…(不動聲色地,姜老倏然消失,一眨眼的功夫,出現在五十呎外的海邊;而千分之一秒的時間,又再回到岳納珊的身旁……)
8. 知一切即心自性,因陀羅網。
“You can go to any place and to any time that you wish to go,” the Elder said. “I’ve gone everywhere and everywhen I can think of.” He looked across the sea. “It’s strange. The gulls who scorn perfection for the sake of travel go nowhere, slowly. Those who put aside travel for the sake of perfection go anywhere, instantly. Remember, Jonathan, heaven isn’t a place or a time, because place and time are so very meaningless. Heaven is…”(「你可以隨心所欲地突破時空,我曾如此做過。」長者望著海邊說道,「但奇怪的是,那些光遊歷卻不屑追求『完速』的海鷗們,速度奇慢,也無法立即到達任何一個地方!岳納珊,你千萬要記得,『天堂』並不是『一段時間』或『一個空間』,因為『時間』和『空間』,對已發現『一』的海鷗而言,是沒有意義的……」)
…Chiang spoke slowly and watched the younger gull ever so carefully. “To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is,” he said, “you must begin by knowing that you have already arrived…” (「一切即心,心至身到。」姜老仔細打量眼前的這位年輕海鷗,和緩地說著,「要發現這個真理,你必須從『自己已經無所不在了』的認知開始」。)
9. 法身大無窮,壽無量。
The trick, according to Chiang, was for Jonathan to stop seeing himself as trapped inside a limited body that had a forty-two-inch wingspan and performance that could be plotted on a chart.The trick was to know that his true nature lived, as perfect as an unwritten number, everywhere at once across space and time…(根據姜老的說法,秘訣在於,岳納珊不再把它自己跼限在那展翼後,四十二英吋寬的軀體內,依照著可以規劃出的航圖飛行。真正的秘訣是,發現自己的「本性」,就是一個圓滿無盡、超越時空,無法說寫出來的「數字」!……)
10. 重重無盡法界觀。仁慈與真愛,是發現時空歸一。
“We can start working with time if you wish,” Chiang said, “till you can fly the past and the future. And then you will be ready to begin the most difficult, the most powerful, the most fun of all. You will be ready to begin to fly up and know the meaning of kindness and of love.’’…(「如果你願意的話,我們可以從突破『時間』開始。」姜老說,「等你學會了在『過去』和『未來』飛翔,就可以準備學習那最困難、作用最大,也最有趣的事情了。那就是『高飛』,瞭解『仁慈』與『真愛』的意義!」……)
11. 安住法身淨土。
But then the day came that Chiang vanished. He had been talking quietly with them all, exhorting them never to stop their learning and their practicing and their striving to understand more of the perfect invisible principle of all life. Then, as he spoke, his feathers went brighter and brighter and at last turned so brilliant that no gulls could look upon him.(姜老「羽化」的時刻終於到來了,他平靜地鼓勵大夥兒,永遠不斷地學習、練飛,努力深入瞭解「一切生命完美、無形」的原則。隨即,他變得越來越燦爛,終至耀眼奪目,無法再直視了!)
“Jonathan” he said, and thses were the last words that he spoke, “keep workimg on love.”…(「岳納珊,」最後他說,「繼續為『真愛』努力吧!」……)
12. 愛的真諦:無緣大慈,同體大悲。
As the days went past, Jonathan found himself thinking time and again of the Earth from which he had come. If he had known there just a tenth, just a hundredth, of what he knew here, how much more life would have meant! He stood on the sand and fell to wondering if there was a gull back there who might be struggling to break out of his limits, to see the meaning of flight beyond a way of travel to get a breadcrumb from a rowboat. Perhaps there might even have been one made Outcast for speaking his truth in the face of the Flock. (日子一天天地過去了,岳納珊發現自己竟然又有了「時間」的觀念,並且思念起故鄉「地球」來了。「如果當時,我能瞭解到現在所知道的十分之一、甚至百分之一,日子將變得多有意義呀!」他矗立在沙灘上,陷入了沉思,「那兒是不是也有隻海鷗,鍥而不捨地試著『衝破極限』,想知道除了為取得一塊麵包屑外,『飛行』是否還有別的深義?或許,也有隻像我一樣的海鷗,當著大夥兒的面說了真話,即被殘酷地『放逐』了?我能為他們做什麼呢?」)
And the more Jonathan pracitced his kindness lessons, and the more he worked to know the nature of love, the more he wanted to go back to Earth. For inspite of his lonely past, Jonathan Seagull was born to be an instructor, and his own way of demonstrating love was to give something of the truth that he had seen to a gull who asked only a chance to see truth for himself.(岳納珊越在「仁慈」上下功夫、越清楚「真愛」的本質,就越想回「地球」。儘管有著孤寂不堪的過去,但天生就是個好教練的他,唯一展現「真愛」的方式,就是把自己發現的真理,與亦渴求真理的海鷗們分享!)
13. 「佛眼」方知一切。
Sullivan, adept now at thought-speed flight and helping the others to learn, was doubtful.(而熟稔「神形合一」,並教其他海鷗此「念速」飛行技巧的蘇利文,卻對岳納珊的「還鄉念頭」頗不以為然!)
“Jon, you were Outcast once. Why do you think that any of the gulls in your old time would listen to you now? You know the proverb, and it’s true: The gull sees farthest who flies highest. Those gulls where you came from are standing on the ground, squawking and fighting among themselves. They’re a thousand miles from heaven-and you say you want to show them heaven from where they stand! Jon, they can’t see their own wingtips! Stay here. Help the new gulls here, the ones who are high enough to see what you have to tell them.” He was quiet for a moment, and then he said, “What if Chiang had gone back to his old worlds? Where would you have been today?”(「小岳,可別忘了,你是被『放逐』的!你憑什麼認為過去那些背棄你的海鷗,現在就會相信你?知道嗎?俗語說得好:『飛得最高,看得最遠!』這是千真萬確的!那些與你決裂的海鷗們,站在『地上』,成天粗鄙聒嘎地彼此廝殺爭食,視野所及,連自己的翼膀都無法超越!你卻天真地想讓他們見到千哩之外的『天堂』,是否太『天方夜譚』了點?醒醒吧!留在這裡!這裡的學生,才是你要尋找的『千里馬』,他們已經站得夠高,能理解你準備教他們的東西了。」蘇利文沉默了一會兒後,繼續阻止他,「小岳,你想想看,若姜老也像你一樣回『老家』去了,結果會怎樣?你還會有今天的成就嗎?」
The last point was the telling one, and Sullivan was right. The gull sees farthest who flies highest.(「最後這句話最有道理!蘇利文是對的,『能飛得高,才看得遠!』岳納珊想。)
14. 地獄不空,誓不成佛。
Jonathan stayed and worked with the new birds coming in, who were all very bright and quick with their lessons. But the old feeling came back, and he couldn’t help but think that there might be one or two gulls back on Earth who would be able to learn, too. How much more he would have known by now if Chiang had come to him on the day that he was Outcast!(岳納珊留了下來,幫助那些新來的海鷗,他們全都是聰明過人、一點即通的好學生。然「返鄉奉獻」之心,一再湧起,他情不自禁地想:「在老家地球,很可能有那麼一、兩隻有學習能力的海鷗。若當初自己被『放逐』時,即能得遇如姜老般的明師,現在的成就將不知凡幾?」)
“Sully, I must go back,” he said at last. “Your students are doing well. They can help you bring the newcomers along.(「老蘇,我必須回去!」他還是下了決心,「你的學生都很優秀,可以幫你扶掖新進。」)
Sullivan sighed, but he did not argue. “I think I’ll miss you, Jonathan,” was all he said.(蘇利文未再爭辯,只深深地嘆了口氣說:「岳納珊,我會想念你的!」)
15. 佛人、天人不永隔。
“Sully, for shame!” Jonathan said in reproach,” and don’t be foolish! What are we trying to practice every day? If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time, we’ve destroyed our own brotherhood! But overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don’t you think that we might see each other once or twice?”…(「別丟臉了!老蘇,」岳納珊責備地說,「怎麼那麼傻呢?我們每天『練習』的是什麼?如果我們的友誼,只建立在『一個空間』和『一段時間』上,當我們終於突破了『時空』時,我們的『兄弟之情』,也就隨之而毀了。實際上不然!突破了『空間』,我們所剩的,是『無盡的此處』;突破了『時間』,我們所剩的,則是『無盡的此刻』。在『無盡的此刻』和『無盡的此處』間,我們不會再見才怪咧!」……)
“Good-bye, Sully. We’ll meet again.”…(「再見了!老蘇,後會有期!」……)
16. 尚不知「你是我,我是你」。
Fletcher Lynd Seagull was still quite young, but already he knew that no bird had ever been so harshly treated by any Flock, or with so much injustice.(福萊齊兒.林德還是隻極年輕的海鷗,但已嚐盡了族人最嚴苛、最不公的待遇。)
“I don’t care what they say,” he thought fiercely, and his vision blurred as he flew out toward the Far Cliffs. “There’s so much more to flying than just flapping around from place to place! A…a…mosquito does that! One little barrel-roll around the Elder Gull, just for fun, and I’m Outcast! Are they blind? Can’t they see? Can’t they think of the glory that it’ll be when we really learn to fly?(「我才不在乎他們怎麼說呢!」在被放逐到「遠巖」的途中,他的視線因忿恨、冤屈變得模糊了,「啪啪啪地飛來飛去,連……連一隻蚊子都會!這算哪門子『飛行』呀?我不過是鬧著玩地,在長老身旁作了一次微不足道的『桶滾』,就被『放逐』了!哼,什麼玩意兒嘛!瞎了狗眼!他們不能想像到真正飛行時的『榮耀』嗎?」)
“I don’t care what they think. I’ll show them what flying is! I’ll be pure Outlaw, if that’s the way they want it. And I’ll make them so sorry…”(「我才不在乎他們的想法呢!我要讓他們知道『真正的飛行』!要『放逐』就『放逐』吧,隨便!誰怕誰?有天,我會讓你們感到遺憾、抱歉的……」)
17. 用「覺他」來寬恕。
…“Don’t be harsh on them, Fletcher Seagull. In casting you out, the other gulls have only hurt themselves, and one day they will know this, and one day they will see what you see. Forgive them, and help them to understand.’’…( ……「不要對他們這樣無情!海鷗福萊齊兒,驅逐你的鷗群只會傷害到他們自己。有一天,他們會明白這個道理;有一天,他們也會瞭解你所瞭解的。原諒他們,幫助他們瞭解吧!」……)
18. 「自覺」的目的在「覺他」。
“Fletcher Lynd Seagull, do you want to fly so much that you will forgive the Flock, and learn, and go back to them one day and work to help them know?”…(「海鷗福萊齊兒,你能原諒鷗群,專心學習,學成後再回來,努力不懈地也幫助他們瞭解你所瞭解的,你的學習意志有這麼堅強嗎?」……)
“I do.” he said softly.(「我真的願意!」他低聲下氣地回答。)
- Aug 16 Sat 2008 03:27
970709 天地一沙鷗之二